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Ir tādas episkas vietas, kas izceļas ar niansēm, sajūtu gammu, mazu brīnumu aiz nākamā stūra, fantastisku asociāciju.. kaut ko negaidītu. Tāda vieta izrādījās Līgatne, kas ap mani sasauca virkni pazīstamu asociāciju un atmiņu saistībā ar Amerikas apciemošanu un Gredzenu pavēlnieka filmām kā arī savas jaunas, svaigas un mīļas atmiņas... ;) Līgatnes kultūrvēsturiski vērtīgais un patiesi skaistais mantojums - sākot ar cara laikā celtās papīrfabrikas un strādnieku mājiņām līdz dabas veidotajam pasakaianajam pakalnu ielokam un smilšakmenī izveidotajiem pagrabiņiem - visi ir lieliski iemesli apciemot šo brīnišķīgo Latvijas nostūrīti, kurš vēl nav pārņemts ar svētdienas tūristu pūļiem..


There are places that are epic without grandeur...they are epic because of the nuance, because of the range of sensations and emotions they evoke, because of the unlikely, but wonderful associations they cause...that unexpected thing. A place like that turned out to be Līgatne which induced a chain of associations and memories related to my trip to the States as well as the Lord of the Rings movies. It also gave me some new, wonderful, sweet ones, so all in all a very successful excursion... ;)

Līgatne has an amazing culturally and historically significant heritage - from the beautiful paper mill and labourer's housing built during the czar's reign in Latvia, to the wonderful wall of wood covered hills encircling the town itself, and the sandstone carved cellars running around its perimeter. All of these are excellent reasons to visit the place, especially since it has not yet been run over by crowds of "Sunday" tourist...

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