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Ir tādas brīnumainas lietas dzīvē, kuras varam izvēlēties uztvert kā pašas par sevi..kā "nesliktu" sagadīšanos..kā vienkārši dāvanu! Pēdējais variants šķiet visiem visizdevīgākais! ;) Kāda starpība vai kāds otrpus "aizkaram" tiktiešām to gādājis speciāli, vai tā vienkārši sagadījies. Bet, kas dots un skaists, to jāņem un jāpacenšas izbaudīt līdz mielēm un tik dziļi, sirsnīgi un spēcīgi, cik iespējams, jo viss aiziet. Kaut kad, kaut kā. Doma - ŅEM! PRIECĀJIES! BAUDI! PAMANI GALU GALĀ!!! :D

Šis gadījās pēc gana emocionālas un nelielu zaudējumu pilnas nedēļas nogales. Bet tam visam fonā es saņēmu tik daudz dāvaniņu no mammas Dabas, ka sūdzēties būtu grēks! Es kā jau es nevaru nepadalīties! ;)


There are these amazing things in life, that happen, that come into focus from time to time and we can choose weather to take them for perceive them as "not so bad" of a coincidence...or whether to see them as gifts! The last option seems to provide us with most to gain! ;) And it doesn't even matter whether someone actually was standing there, behind the "curtain" and custom prepared it for us or if it just came to be. No matter - what is given and so beautiful must be received, appreciated and enjoyed as thoroughly as possible - with heart and soul, and to the fullest! Because all of it will pass someday, somehow. There's an idea - TAKE! ENJOY! HAVE FUN WITH IT! NOTICE IT AFTER ALL!!! :D

This one happened after a rather emotional and slightly loss-oriented weekend. And yet throughout it all I kept noticing these small wonderful gifts from mommy Nature that made it disgraceful to even try and complain! And so, me being me, I had to share!! ;)

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